Platinum and silver are known for being high-maintenance shades, so it’s important your clients know the required upkeep before they commit to the transformation. Grace Joo (@colorwithgrace), a blonde specialist in Pasadena, Calif. who is a master at taking Asian hair blonde, shared the five things clients should know before going silver or platinum. Read what she had to say below, then be sure to share with your clients!

1. Don’t Use Drugstore Brands 🙅🏼
We’re all for saving money, but when it comes to colored hair never let your clients think drugstore brands are OK! If she’s investing in her hair, she should invest in the best products. So make a sale by recommending your fave sulfate-free products.
2. Toning Sessions Are A Must
Toners are only supposed to last for 4 to 6 weeks at the most, so make sure she understands how important it is to come back in between lightening services to freshen up the color!

3. Recommend Your Fave Purple Shampoo
Help her keep unwanted yellow tones at bay even longer with purple shampoo. But note that most can dry out the hair, so tell her to keep usage to a minimum aka only once a week.
4. Don’t Put Off The Retouch
If she’s known for never booking her follow-up, don’t be afraid to tell her she shouldn’t wait longer than 5 to 6 months for a touch-up. “When the grow-out is too long it’s very difficult to lighten the roots to match the ends, especially if she’s a Level 5 or darker,” shares Grace. “It can also cause a lot of damage!”
5. Meet Your New BFF, Dry Shampoo
Chances are this isn’t her first time getting her hair colored, so she already knows how crucial dry shampoo is. But for clients who are new to color, make it known she shouldn’t wash her hair everyday. The longer, the better says Grace.
Article taken from behindthechair