Transform Your Look with Eyelash Extensions
at The Shampoo Lounge Today!
Unleash your inner beauty in Bali!
Come experience the amazing results of an eyelash extensions service from our Japanese Certified Lash Extensionists. The Shampoo Lounge has been attending to an international clienteles' lash extension needs since 2012. We offer three lovely options of lash extensions including our most popular 2D Volume, Classic Mink from Japan - perfect for first timers, and Silk at an amazing price. We use only imported Japanese low fume adhesive for sensitive eyes. Transform your look and feel confident! Get gorgeous eyelash extensions at The Shampoo Lounge. Book an appointment now

Wouldn’t you love a time saving confidence booster. If you can’t live without mascara, you’ll love your new lashes simply because when you wake up in the morning,
You’re good to go.
While you can use mascara (water-based) if you wish, it is not a necessity. Lash extensions are perfect for vacation because that means no smeared mascara underneath your eyes in the hot, humid weather! Full eyelashes make your eyes pop.
Eyelash extensions create an illusion of the eye being more open and wider than it normally is, giving the eyes that “wow” factor. You’ll appreciate the dramatic effect eyelash extensions bring to your eyes makes my eyes always a focal point.
The Shampoo Lounge is Bali’s go to for
premium eyelash extensions at a great price.
TSL has multiple locations in Bali so you’ll have no problem finding one of our salons near you for lash extension in Bali. We’re happy to answer all of your questions about lashes and to choose the perfect type for you.
The Shampoo Lounge is annually certified by our Japanese Eyelash Extension provider for quality, technique, and hygiene.

Silk Lash Extensions
These, are the mid-weight type of lash extensions, and are finer and more flexible than the synthetic type which makes their retention slightly better. Because of their light weight, silk lashes are good to use on older clients or clients with weak and flimsy natural lashes. Like synthetic lashes, silk come in a variety of curls and lengths.
These types of extensions also hold their curl but the curl tends to be less uniform then synthetic lashes, making them better for clients looking for a more natural look. Silk lashes tend to be thicker than any other type of extensions and also have that rick black color. Silk eyelash extensions tend to be the least comfortable type of extension and are best used for special occasions.
Mink Volume 2D Lash Extensions
What is the difference between Classic and Volume? Classic eyelash extensions simply mean where one lash extension is glued to one natural eyelash, this method is called 1:1 or one-to-one technique. Volume eyelash extensions are applied the same way, the difference is that one volume lash fan has multiple hairs in it. Example if two lash extensions are applied to one natural lash then it is called 2D lashes, three lashes in one natural lash would be called 3D lashes, four lashes would be 4D lashes and five lashes would be 5D lashes.
Mink Lash Extensions
Faux mink eyelash extensions are the most popular extensions used by lash artists today. These, manmade, poly-fiber lashes come in a variety of lengths, diameters and curls, have good flexibility and remain somewhat natural looking depending on the length.
They're designed to imitate real mink fur, but lash artists and clients both love this of extension type because the curl is permanent and they're low maintenance. No need to curl or put mascara on these types of extensions. The Faux Mink lashes are a little bolder, slightly glossier than the Silk and Mink. Because of their variety of size and length they're great for customizing different looks for each client.
Mink Volume Russion 3D-6D Lash Extensions
Russian lashes are ultra-fine synthetic lashes that are made from the same soft fiber as classic lashes. Because they're much thinner, the therapist is able to apply more lashes to each natural lash – anything between 2-8. Russian lash extensions are applied in a fan-like shape, which gives more volume too.
Eyelash Refill
Why do you need refill?
Your natural eyelashes continue to grow in a replenishing cycle. Since the extensions are bonded to your own natural lash… You may need to refill the areas where your own natural lash has fallen out. Touch-ups, will keep the lashes looking fresh and fuller.
Below are sample of the Curl type:
Mink VOLUME Lashes
available in C 0.10mm thickness 8mm, 9mm, 10mm, 11mm, 12mm.
Mink Feather Lashes
available in C and J curl in 0.15mm & 0.20mm thickness 8mm-13mm.
Silk Lashes
available in B, C, D & J curl in 0.15mm & 0.20mm thickness 8mm-14mm.
Silk Color
Lashes available in C curl 0.15mm 8mm - 13mm.
Eyelash Extensions Aftercare
To maintain your eyelash extensions, the following instructions should be followed:
- No use of mascara, if you must, please use non-waterproof
- No use of oil based products around the eye area
- No water or oil to come in contact with the eye area within 24 hours of the eyelash extension procedure
- No sauna or hot tub for 48 hours after the eyelash extension procedure
- No use of eyelash curlers
- No tinting or perming of the natural lashes while wearing eyelash extensions
- No continuous tugging, rubbing or pulling on the eyelash extensions
- Use caution when blow-drying hair (extensive heat on lashes could distort the shape of the extensions)
- It is normal for the client to experience the loss of a few lashes during the first 24hrs after the application
- Be gentle with the lash extensions, avoid tugging and getting them caught on clothes and towels
- Never pull off the eyelash extensions as this will pull out your natural eyelashes
- Gently comb through the lashes each morning to maintain a good appearance
- Schedule your appointment within 2 weeks of your initial eyelash extension procedure for infill
- If an allergic reaction is suspected such as swelling, redness or puffiness, in the first case contact your therapist.
In severe cases seek medical advice. Eyelash adhesives generally contain 2-ethoxyethyl 2-cyanoacrylate

• Are eyelash extensions safe?
Eyelash extensions are safe and do not ruin the health of your natural lashes, if they applied correctly and properly.
• Apakah sambung bulu mata aman?
Sambung bulu mata adalah aman dan tidak mengganggu bulu mata Anda yang asli jika mereka dipasang dengan benar.
• Are eyelash extensions worth it?
Lash extensions can be worth the money, but not for everyone, it depends on the budget, time, because they aren't easy to maintain.
• Apakah sambung bulu mata patut dicoba?
Sambung bulu mata sepadan dengan harganya, tetapi tidak untuk semua orang, tergantung dari dana yang dimiliki, dan juga waktu karena sambung bulu mata membutuhkan perawatan yang lebih dibandingkan dengan bulu mata palsu (strip lashes).
• Are eyelash extensions bad?
As a licensed place and trained professionals, lash extensions at The Shampoo Lounge are safe and the easiest way to enhance your beauty and shorten your dressing time.
• Apakah sambung bulu mata tidak baik untuk Anda?
As a licensed place and trained professionals, lash extensions at The Shampoo Lounge are safe and the easiest way to enhance your beauty and shorten your dressing time.
• Are eyelash extensions halal?
Eyelashes are made of lashes not from humans, so this is halal. The Shampoo Lounge offers lashes made of silk and mink.
• Are eyelash extensions halal?
Sambung bulu mata terbuat dari bulu mata yang berasal bukan dari manusia, jadi ini adalah halal. The Shampoo Lounge menawarkan bulu mata yang terbuat dari sutra dan hewan rubah (mink).
• Are eyelash extensions allowed covid?
Yes, as long as it follows health protocols. The Shampoo Lounge applies high hygiene and hygiene protocols for the safety of our guests and staff. All of our equipment is sterile and sprayed with alcohol before we start lash insertion.
• Apakah sambung bulu mata diperbolehkan di saat covid?
Ya, selama mengikuti protokol kesehatan. The Shampoo Lounge menerapkan protokol kesehatan dan kebersihan yang ketat dan tinggi untuk keamanan tamu-tamu kita dan para staff. Semua peralatan kita steril dan disemprot alkohol sebelum kita memulai pemasangan bulu mata.
• Are eyelash extensions bad for your own lashes?
Not. The Shampoo Lounge has a deep understanding of lash extension and has been a very professional in fitting synthetic lashes and mink lashes for many years. When applied properly, lash extensions are safe and do not damage your natural lashes. Make sure not to rub your eyes or tug your lashes as this can cause them to loosen and can even damage your natural lashes.
• Apakah sambung bulu mata tidak baik untuk bulu mata asli Anda?
Tidak. The Shampoo Lounge sangat memahami sambung bulu mata dan sangat professional dalam pemasangan bulu mata sintetik dan bulu mata mink selama bertahun-tahun. Saat diaplikasikan dengan benar, maka sambung bulu mata adalah aman dan tidak merusak bulu mata asli Anda. Pastikan untuk tidak menggosok mata anda ataupun menarik sambung bulu mata Anda karena ini dapat menyebabkan lepasnya sambung bulu mata dan bahkan bisa merusak bulu mata asli Anda.
• Can eyelash extensions cause headaches?
• Apakah sambung bulu mata bisa menyebabkan sakit kepala?
• Can eyelash extensions get wet?
You can get your lash extensions wet, but not right away! Need to avoid water aroung 48 hours after put a new set.
• Apakah sambung bulu mata bisa dibasahi?
Anda bisa membasahi sambung bulu mata tapi tidak langsung. The Shampoo Lounge menyarankan tamu-tamu kita untuk menghindari air 24 jam setelah pemasangan baru.
• Can eyelash extensions cause styes?
Lash extensions themselves also increasing the risk of lid infections like styes and eye infections like bacterial conjunctivitis, commonly known as pink eye
• Apakah sambung bulu mata dapat menyebabkan bintil di pelupuk mata?
Sambung bulu mata dapat meningkatkan resiko infeksi di kelopak mata misalnya bintil atau infeksi mata lainnya saat tamu tidak membersihkan bulu mata mereka dengan benar setelah makeup. Sangat disarankan untuk menggunakan sabun untuk wajah untuk membersihkan wajah anda juga bulu mata Anda di malam hari sebelum tidur.