Syailendra Werdha Bali
Bali Community Work
Seeds of Hope: Transient Childrens Home Google Maps Instagram Seeds of Hope is a well managed home that we haver been supporting for many years. The home house about 50 children from toddler to early adulthood and doers a great job of giving them a strong foundation to be succesful in life.
YPAC - Yayasan Pembinaan Anak Cacat (Foundation for the Development of Disabled Children) The team YPAC Bali Institute For physically Handicapped Children are doing absolutely incredible work to make the lives of the disabled more independent and rewarding and they've been doing this for many years! The home has many needs not only for donations but for repairs and upkeep so keep them in mind if you're near Jimbaran or Nusa Dua. We're certainly happy to help with transpo if you'd like to visit the home. Please PM and we'll arrange one of our vans to support you and of course we're always happy to get your donations made at our locations to those in need.
Taman Werdha Syailendra Bali Senior citizens home Maps
Agung Refugees
Seeds of Hope Home

Past Events

TSL Community Charity for Mt Agung Evacuees

TSL Community Charity for Mt Agung Evacuees

TSL Community Charity for Mt Agung Evacuees

TSL Community Charity for Mt Agung Evacuees
Mt Agung Evacuees