"Yes, you can get world class hair extensions in Bali at a fraction of what it costs back home."
Since its inception in 2012, The Shampoo Lounge has been at the forefront of introducing high-quality hair extensions to Bali, serving thousands of satisfied customers over the years. Hair extensions are not just a service we offer—they are the cornerstone of our brand. With such a significant investment in your appearance, it's essential that the experience and expertise of your stylist are second to none, and that's exactly what you'll find at The Shampoo Lounge.
Our commitment to excellence extends to the very source of our hair extensions. We take great care to personally select our hair from ethically responsible partners, ensuring that our products not only meet but exceed the standards of purity, quality, and consistency that our discerning clients expect.
To cater to the diverse needs of our clientele, The Shampoo Lounge boasts three strategic locations across Bali—Seminyak, Sanur, and our dedicated hair extension boutique, HairShop.store, all they do are perfectly matched hair extensions as well as supply salons our premium grade hair. At both The Shampoo Lounge locations and HairShop.store you'll find our expert teams ready to transform your hair with unparalleled skill and international standards.
Shierley, our seasoned Hair Extension aficionado , brings over 25 years of personal experience with hair extensions to the table. Her lifelong passion for and commitment to hair enhancements shine through in the impeccable results and satisfied smiles of our clientele.
We Only Use 100% Human Hair Extensions From HairShop.store
TSL Remy Human Hair Extensions achieve amazing hair transformations in one visit
We are a hair extension specialist salon that offers quality 100% human Remy hair extensions in Bali.
Our experienced team has been providing extensions to international customers since 2012, and we only use the highest quality Remy hair available. Our Hair Extension Gallery offers a great way to see all our extensions in action, and our online consultation form makes it easy to get an appointment with us.
The Shampoo Lounge uses only premium grade REMY hair extensions from HairShop.store, Indonesia's #1 stylist choice for Hair Extensions and the largest exporter of world class hair extensions in Indonesia.
Queen, flaunt your hair! 💛
We specialize in hair extensions. Using hair extensions is a great solution for getting the hair you’ve always dreamed of. Hair extensions are not only used for length, but can also be added for increased volume! Hair extensions will give you effortless glamour and will half your styling time so you can spend time doing more of what you like instead of spending crazy amounts of time getting ready each morning. Not only this, but the extensions will give your hair a break from styling tools, and you can watch your hair grow! With our years of experience, we know exactly what it takes to get your extensions done right. We offer a variety of extension styles, colors and materials to fit your every need. we carry a full range of extension types, colors and have perfect hair for everyone!
Ladies, before you think about buying a wig to cover thinning and bald spots, come in to The Shampoo Lounge for a free Hair Extension consultation.
In many cases, hair extensions are a much more natural solution for those struggling with bald spots and thinning hair.
Regarding hair extension bookings
Unlike going to a salon for a haircut and styling, quality hair extensions require a detailed consultation to establish the type of extensions to use, the look demanded by the client and the health of the current hair and scalp. In order to provide a top class service TSL offers a free initial consultation to all our clients who would like hair extensions.
The process is simple;
- Hair and scalp are analysed
- Client needs and wants identified including look and length
- Colour matched {we can color your hair to match the new hair or colour the extensions darker}
- Practical advice on what's achievable given the hair type and condition
- Assess the correct application method that suits their personal preferences
- As soon as you're happy, arrange an appointment date and time
A Minimum of Three (3) Hours is required between consultation and application if a stylist is available. We do not carry all hair colors at the salon and have to in many occasions, have to organize hair from the Hair Shop Store and get it to the salon. We recommend coming in for a consultation one day and scheduling your application booking for another.

We offer 4 different methods of applications:
1. Shrinkies are small shrinkable tubes that connect your hair to the extensions using an adhesive. This method is very suited to clients who have thick hair and want that fuller thicker look. More hair can be attached to each bond achieving thick and glamorous hair.
2. Micro beads are small protective covered metal rings sometimes called ‘micro rings’ and come in variety of colours so they blend in to the hair well. The hair extension is slotted inside the ring and then clamped shut which is very suited to clients with fine hair, as no glue is required, protecting the natural hair. Generally the rings can be changed therefore keeping clients maintenance or future service costs down. If aftercare is adhered to properly then in most cases rings can be adjusted and there’s no need to have new hair attached, as the existing hair will be suitable.
3. Pre bonded {Keratin-tipped} extensions already come bonded with adhesive. When heat is applied the bond is attached to the natural hair and the adhesive is virtually invisible. These are quite comfortable to wear and provides the longest wear in our opinion and recommended for most hair types.
4. The last method is the tape-in extensions. These hair strips is by far the most popular choice amongst celebrities. They are a semi-permanent choice as the medical-grade glue used on the strips only last about 6 weeks then they start to slide. The good thing about this last method is that it is not damaging to your hair at all and it applies very fast, usually done within 90 min or so.
Now, let's move onto the HAIR Quality.
We only use hair of the highest standard for our customers, never compromising on quality. The hair is 100% human hair which has been chemically treated by professionals to ensure it’s in great condition. The hair is silky, healthy, shiny and very durable. We only use the highest quality Indian Remy hair, as they suit almost everyone and can withstand daily abuse using hairstyling tools. Russian and European hair is also available if we feel it suits the clients’ hair type more appropriately. These are points we would discuss during our initial consultation.

• Are hair extensions bad for your hair?
The most important thing you need to understand is that there are many types of hair extensions. It’s true that some of them damage your hair at least a little. However, some of these products are completely safe. The main thing to understand is that hair extensions have many types. That's right if there are some that have damaged your hair a little. However, hair extensions are a safe product. At The Shampoo Lounge, we do a complete consultation first before scheduling the installation of hair extensions. Our stylists will check your hair type and your daily habits and recommend the best method so as to minimize your hair loss and at the same time lengthen your real hair.
• Apakah hair extensions jelek untuk rambut Anda?
Hal utama yang perlu dipahami adalah bahwa hair extensions memiliki banyak tipe. Benar jika ada beberapa yang merusak rambut anda sedikit. Tetapi, produk hair extensions adalah produk yang aman. Di The Shampoo Lounge, kita melakukan konsultasi yang lengkap terlebih dahulu sebelum menjadwalkan untuk pemasangan hair extensions. Stylist kita akan menilai jenis rambut anda dan kebiasaan sehari-hari anda dan merokemdasikan metode yang terbaik supaya dapat meminimalisir kerontokan rambut anda dan di saat yang bersamaan anda dapat memanjangkan rambut asli Anda.
• Are hair extensions worth it?
Extensions allow you a lot of flexibility with your hairstyle. But it’s only you who can decide whether this freedom is worth the cost. Considering the versatility of available hair extension options, the answer is most likely “yes”. So many smiling faces of our customers and testimonies from our clients for hair extensions at The Shampoo Lounge. We are very ready with the application and quality of our 100% Remy Hair.
• Apakah hair extensions patut dicoba?
Hair extensions sangat fleksibel dengan gaya rambut Anda. Tetapi hanya Anda yang dapat memutuskan apakah sepadan dengan biayanya. Dengan menimbang kegunaan dari opsi pilihan hair extensions yang tersedia, maka jawabannya adalah “Ya”. Begitu banyak wajah customer yang tersenyum dan kesaksian dari klien kita untuk hair extensions di The Shampoo Lounge. Kami sangat siap dengan pengerjaan dan kualitas dari Remy Hair 100%.
• Are hair extensions real hair?
Yes, The Shampoo Lounge only use premium grade Remy hair. Human hair extensions are exactly what they sound like. They are made out of real, human hair from top to bottom, collected from a compensated donor. Remy hair means all the cuticles (the outer layer of the hair) are intact, running in the same direction at the time of collection. This allows for almost no tangling and ensures that the extensions remain smooth and silky throughout their lifetime.
• Apakah hair extensions rambut asli?
Ya, The Shampoo Lounge hanya menggunakan rambut Remy dari kelas premium. Hair extensions kami terbuat dari rambut asli, rambut manusia seluruhnya, didapatkan dari donor yang mendapatkan kompensasi. Rambut remy artinya kutikula/ kulit luar (bagian terluar dari rambut) adalah utuh, di arah yang sama saat dikumpulkan. Dengan demikian rambut tidak akan kusut dan rambut tetap akan halus dan lembut selamanya.
• Are there significant issues with Synthethic hair?
The Shampoo Lounge ONLY use Remy Human Hair. Synthetic hair is problematic and unnatural. Synthethic hair is made out of various synthetic, blended fibres, and contains no human hair. These fibres are usually very fine, plastic fibres that are manufactured to imitate real human hair.
• Apakah ada masalah yang signifikan dengan rambut sintetis?
The Shampoo Lounge HANYA memakai rambut Remy Human. Rambut sintetis sering banyak masalah dan tidak alami. Rambut sintetis dibuat dari berbagai macam rambut sintetis, serat campuran dan tidak ada rambut asli manusia. Serat ini biasanya sangat bagus, serat plastic yang dibuat menyerupai rambut asli manusia. Juga, rambut sintetis tidak bisa dikeriting ataupun diluruskan seperti rambut asli manusia, jadi tidak fleksibel seperti rambut asli manusia.
• Are hair extensions expensive?
Good extensions aren’t cheap but offer an immediate transformation and can be used for many years. Think of them as an investment you'll love. At The Shampoo Lounge, we also have clients with various budgets and we also have non-Remy hair extensions from good sources that can be an option.
• Apakah hair extensions mahal?
Hair extensions yang bagus memang tidak murah tapi bisa membuat perubahan yang sangat cepat dan dapat digunakan bertahun-tahun. Hair extensions bisa dijadikan investasi yang bagus yang Anda pasti suka. Di The Shampoo Lounge, kami juga memiliki klien dengan berbagai budget dan kita juga memiliki non-Remy hair extensions dari sumber yang baik yang bisa dijadikan pilihan bagi beberapa orang.
• Are hair extensions good for thinning hair?
Yes, hair extensions are a great way for adding thickness to thin and fine hair, without causing any damage to your natural hair or hindering hair growth in the meantime. As long as the consultation is done at The Shampoo Lounge, we guarantee that we can applicate our hair extensions for you properly and carefully so that you can add volume to your hair.
• Apakah hair extensions cocok untuk rambut yang tipis?
Ya, hair extensions adalah pilihan yang pas untuk menambah ketebalan rambut tanpa harus merusak rambut asli anda dan juga tanpa harus mengganggu pertumbuhan rambut Anda. Selama konsultasi dilakukan dengan benar di The Shampoo Lounge, kami menjamin kami dapat memasang hair extensions untuk anda dengan baik dan hati-hati supaya dapat menambah volume tebal rambut Anda.
• Are hair extensions uncomfortable?
The level of comfort and discomfort varies to each person, depending on the hair type and each person's pain tolerance. But basically when you first use it for about 1 week there will be some discomfort because the scalp needs adjustment. The most convenient installation method is "Tape-in hair extensions" and the most uncomfortable is the "Sew-in Weft hair extensions" method.
• Apakah hair extensions terasa tidak nyaman?
Nyaman atau tidak nyaman berbeda tiap orang, tergantung dari tipe hair extensions yang dipilih. Tapi pada dasarnya, Ketika Anda baru pertama kali menggunakan hair extensions, sekitar 1 minggu biasanya Anda merasa tidak nyaman karena kulit kepala akan butuh penyesuaian. Metode pemasangan yang paling nyaman biasanya “Tape-in extensions” dan yang paling tidak nyaman adalah metode “sew-in Weft extensions”.
• Can hair extensions hurt?
They do feel a little stiff for the first week but it is different for everyone. We always advise 7 to 10 days for them to fully settle into the hair so if you have a special occasion you're planning for you will need to allow this extra time.
• Apakah hair extension menyakitkan?
Hair extensions yang baru dipasang agak sedikit kaku untuk minggu pertama tetapi berbeda untuk setiap orang. The Shampoo Lounge menyarankan untuk memasang 7 hingga 10 hari sebelum hari H, agar Anda benar-benar terbiasa jika Anda memiliki acara khusus yang Anda rencanakan, Anda perlu waktu untuk beradaptasi
• Can hair extensions ruin your hair?
With the right products and right care methods, it will minimize damage to the hair itself. It is normal for the hair to fall out about 100 strands per day. When using hair extensions, the hair that falls out will stick to the roots of the hair with the hair extensions installed. During the treatment, when we remove the hair extensions you will see a few loose hairs but this is a common thing.
• Apakah hair extensions dapat merusak rambut?
Dengan produk yang benar dan metode perawatan yang benar, maka akan mengurangi kerusakan pada rambut Anda. Adalah wajar jika rambut rontok sekitar 100 helai per hari, Ketika memakai hair extensions, rambut yang rontok ini akan menempel ke akar rambut yang dipasang hair extensions. Saat perawatan, ketika kita melepas hair extensions maka anda akan melihat beberapa helai rambut yang rontok tapi ini adalah hal yang biasa terjadi.
• Can hair extensions be put in short hair?
Yes, but it depends how short your hair is. If the short hair still can cover the hair extensions, it can be done. We recommend to have a consultation at The Shampoo Lounge with our hair extensions expert before we can decide whether or not we can.
• Apakah hair extensions bisa dipasang di rambut pendek?
Ya bisa tetapi tergantung seberapa pendek rambut Anda. Jika rambut pendek Anda bisa menutupi hair extensions, maka bisa dipasang. Kami menyarankan konsultasi terlebih dahulu di The Shampoo Lounge dengan ahli hair extensions kami sebelum kami bisa memutuskan apakah bisa atau tidak.
• Can hair extensions cause migraines?
It depends on each person's pain tolerance. It would be happen to the person who has low pain tolerance. For those of you who are using hair extensions for the first time, sometimes your head will feel a little heavy than usual because you have more hair than usual. Sometimes, clients who use the sew-in weft method will experience tightness on their head as a result of braiding and sewing for about 2-3 days and then they will feel comfortable after 3 days of use.
• Apakah hair extensions bisa menyebabkan migren?
Untuk Anda yang baru pertama kali memakai hair extensions, terkadang kepala anda akan terasa berat sedikit daripada biasanya karena anda memiliki rambut yang lebih dari biasanya. Terkadang, klien yang memakai metode sew-in weft akan mengalami ketat di kepalanya akibat dari mengepang dan menjahit sekitar 2-3 hari lalu akan berangsur nyaman setelah pemakaian 3 hari.
• Can hair extensions cause alopecia?
By doing the right consultation and the right assessment at The Shampoo Lounge, we can advise our clients for the right method, so that it will not cause serious problems like Alopecia / baldness.
• Apakah hair extensions bisa menyebabkan alopecia/kebotakan?
Dengan melakukan konsultasi yang benar dan penilaian yang benar di The Shampoo Lounge, kami dapat menyarankan klien kami untuk metode yang tepat, sehingga tidak akan menimbulkan masalah yang serius seperti alopecia/kebotakan.
• Can hair extensions cause psoriasis?
Hair extensions will not cause psoriasis/ skin inflammation but when caring for hair extensions, use the correct shampoo and conditioner to reduce dandruff due to the crush of oil and conditioner between the hair roots and hair extensions.
• Apakah hair extensions bisa menyebabkan psoriasis/radang kulit?
Hair extensions tidak akan menimbulkan psoriasis/radang kulit tetapi ketika merawat hair extensions, penggunaan shampoo dan conditioner yang benar harus dilakukan supaya mengurangi ketombe akibat himpitan minyak dan conditioner antara akar rambut dan hair extensions.
• Can hair extensions get split ends?
Yes it can if they are not cared properly, because they are made from real human hair. Hair hot tools and chemicals will split over time just like normal hair. The Shampoo Lounge recommends using a hair mask (non-silicon type) to nourish hair extensions so that your hair extensions remain good for a long time.
• Apakah hair extensions bisa menyebabkan rambut bercabang?
Ya bisa, jika tidak dirawat dengan baik karena hair extensions berasal dari rambut asli manusia. Jika Anda sering memakai peralatan styling yang panas dan perawatan dengan bahan kimia, maka hair extensions akan rusak seiring waktu berjalan - layaknya rambut normal. The Shampoo Lounge menyarankan penggunaan masker rambut (tipe non silicon) untuk menutrisi hair extensions supaya hair extensions anda tetap bagus untuk jangka waktu yang lama.
• What hair extensions are best for thin hair?
The tape extensions are bonded to your natural hair with tape (bonded like sandwiches in between your own hair). It thin and lightweight, leaving no damage. The best for thin and fine hair. But if you like water sports, we recommend you to use microbeads (small beads) covered with silicon and I tip extensions to keep them from getting slippery.
• Hair extensions apa yang cocok untuk rambut yang tipis?
Tape extensions yang ditempel dengan tape/lem ke rambut asli anda. Ini sangat tipis dan ringan, tidak akan merusak rambut. The Shampoo Lounge menyarankan metode ini karena ini sangat baik untuk tipe rambut yang tipis dan halus. Tetapi jika Anda menyukai olahraga air, kami menyarankan Anda untuk memakai microbeads (manik-manik kecil) yang berlapis silicon dan I tip extensions supaya tidak licin.
• What hair extensions last the longest?
Depending on type of your natural hair, the activities, also how you take care of the hair extensions. At The Shampoo Lounge, there are some of our clients who choose certain methods so they don't have to come frequently for treatment. So our clients will choose the Keratin-bond type with the heated method, it will last for 4 months before requiring treatment.
• Berapa lama maksimal hair extensions bisa bertahan?
Hal ini tergantung dari tipe rambut Anda, aktivitas sehari-hari Anda, dan juga perawatan. Di The Shampoo Lounge, ada beberapa klien kami yang memilih metode tertentu supaya mereka tidak perlu sering datang untuk perawatan. Maka klien kami akan memilih tipe Keratin-bond dengan metode dipanaskan, maka akan bisa bertahan selama 4 bulan sebelum membutuhkan perawatan.
• What hair extensions do the Kardashians use?
Sew in weave / lace front wigs
• Hair extensions apa yang dipakai the Kardashians?
Sew-in weave/ renda pada bagian depan.
• What hair extensions are best for thick hair?
The Shampoo Lounge recommends microbeads extensions for those with thick hair or keratin bond extensions using the heating method.
• Hair extensions apa yang cocok untuk rambut tebal?
The Shampoo Lounge menyarankan microbeads extensions untuk yang memiliki rambut tebal atau bisa juga dengan keratin bond extensions dengan metode pemanasan.
• When to wash hair extensions?
You should wash your hair extensions at least once a week, depending on your hair type, or you can use dry shampoo if your hair looks greasy. The Shampoo Lounge recommends you brush your hair using a Wet Brush or similar brush before washing your hair because wet hair will break easily when you try to untangle it.
• Seberapa sering Anda harus mencuci hair extensions?
Anda harus mencuci hair extensions paling tidak 1 kali dalam seminggu, tergantung dari tipe rambut Anda atau Anda dapat memakai shampoo kering jika rambut Anda berminyak. The Shampoo Lounge menyarankan anda menyisir rambut anda memakai Wet Brush atau yang sejenisnya sebelum anda mencuci rambut anda karena rambut yang basah akan mudah patah saat anda mencoba untuk mengurainya.
• When to remove hair extensions?
It depends on your hair extensions. The Shampoo Lounge advises our clients who use Tape-in and Sew-in Weft extensions to come for reassembling every 8 weeks, for microbeads after 3 months and for Keratin bond hot fuse extensions after 4 months.
• Kapan hair extensions perlu dilepas?
Tergantung dari jenis hair extensions Anda. The Shampoo Lounge menyarankan klien kami yang memakai Tape-in dan Sew-in Weft extensions untuk datang untuk pemasangan kembali setiap 8 minggu sekali, untuk microbeads setelah 3 bulan dan untuk Keratin bond hot fuse extensions setelah 4 bulan.
• When to use hair extensions?
When you want to get a long hair & get more volume instantly, and also if you want to get a hair color effect without dye your natural hair. We also cater to many brides who want a luxurious look on their wedding day using clip-ins hair extensions that we sell at The Shampoo Lounge in various colors, lengths and thicknesses.
• Kapan memakai hair extensions?
Ketika Anda menginginkan rambut panjang dan tebal seketika atau ketika Anda menginginkan efek warna di rambut Anda tanpa harus mewarnai rambut asli Anda. Kami juga melayani banyak pengantin wanita yang ingin penampilan mewah di hari pernikahannya dengan memakai clip-ins hair extensions yang kami jual di The Shampoo Lounge dalam berbagai macam warna, panjang dan ketebalan.
• Which hair extensions are the least damaging?
The Shampoo Lounge believes that the type of hair extensions that cause the least damage are Tape extensions then Microbeads coated with silicon.
• Which hair extensions are the least damaging?
The Shampoo Lounge meyakini tipe hair extensions yang paling sedikit menyebabkan kerusakan adalah Tape extensions kemudian Microbeads berlapis silicon.
• Which hair extensions can you dye?
All types of hair extensions at The Shampoo Lounge are 100% real human hair so they can be colored. But we recommend only wearing a non-permanent color or toner to prevent dry or damaged hair.
• Hair extensions apa yang bisa diwarnai?
Semua jenis hair extensions di The Shampoo Lounge adalah 100% rambut asli manusia jadi bisa diwarnai. Tapi kami menyarankan hanya memakai warna yang tidak permanen atau toner supaya rambut tidak kering atau rusak.
• Why hair extensions get tangled?
This is especially common if the hair extensions you are wearing are not remy, as non remy hair extensions will tangle very easily. And also because the cuticle of the hair is damaged, causing each strand to tangled with each other. At The Shampoo Lounge we only use Remy hair extensions with velvet cuticles so that our clients can have a good experience using hair extensions. We advise clients to comb their hair carefully before washing their hair or wetting their hair to avoid breakage or frizz.
• Mengapa hair extensions bisa kusut?
Hal ini biasanya terjadi jika hair extensions yang Anda pakai bukan yang kualitas Remy karena hair extensions yang bukan kualitas Remy akan mudah kusut. Juga karena kulit kepala sudah rusak yang menyebabkan helai rambut menjadi kusut. Di The Shampoo Lounge kami hanya memakai Remy hair extensions dengan kutikula beludru sehingga klien kami bisa mendapatkan pengalaman yang baik dalam memakai hair extensions. Kami menyarankan klien untuk menyisir rambut dengan hati-hati sebelum mencuci rambut atau membasahi rambut supaya menghindari kerusakan atau rambut kusut.
• Will hair extensions cause hair loss?
Hairstyles, like braids, tight buns and ponytails, dreadlocks and extensions, can result in hair loss. With proper consultation and what to do and what not to do, our hair extensions experts at The Shampoo Lounge can provide knowledge to our clients on how to care for hair extensions and ensure that they do not cause hair loss in real hair.
• Apakah hair extensions menyebabkan rambut rontok?
Rambut yang distyling seperti kepang, rambut yang diikat ketat, rambut ekor kuda, dreadlocks (rambut gimbal) dan hair extensions, dapat menyebabkan rambut rontok. Dengan konsultasi yang benar dan apa yang boleh dan tidak boleh dilakukan, ahli hair extensions kami di The Shampoo Lounge dapat memberikan pengetahuan kepada klien kami tentang bagaimana merawat hair extensions dan memastikan supaya hair extensions tidak akan menimbulkan kerontokan rambut pada rambut asli.
• Will hair extensions affect an MRI?
As long as they don't contain metal, should be fine. Some hair extensions such as MicroBead do mave metal beads that would interfere with an MRI.
• Apakah hair extensions akan berpengaruh saat MRI?
Selama tidak mengandung logam, maka tidak akan masalah. Hair extensions seperti micro beads mengandung logam manik-manik yang dapat berpengaruh pada MRI. Yang teraman adalah sew-in, tape dan keratin bond extensions.
• Can you curl hair extensions?
Yes you can, with hot tools and low temperature. At The Shampoo Lounge, we often handle guests with hair extensions that require washing, blow and styling and there are never any problems with styling as long as the hair is not synthetic.
• Apakah hair extensions bisa dikeriting?
Ya bisa, dengan alat yang panas dan temperature rendah. Di The Shampoo Lounge, kami sering menghandle tamu dengan hair extensions yang membutuhkan cuci blow dan styling dan tidak pernah ada masalah saat styling selama rambut yang dipakai tidak sintetis.
• What type of hair extensions you can put in yourself?
Clip-in extensions
• Tipe hair extensions apa yang bisa dipasang sendiri?
Clip-in extensions
• What type of hair extensions without glue?
I-tip (ring), Weft (sew in method)
• Tipe hair extensions apa tanpa memakai lem?
I-tip (ring), Weft (sew in method).
• Hair extensions and swimming?
You can swim with your extensions, but chlorine and salt water aren't good for them, so you should preferably tie your hair up and keep it out of the water, and ensure to dry your hair directly. The Shampoo Lounge recommends using shampoo to keep your hair extensions strong.
• Hair extensions dan berenang?
Anda dapat berenang dengan memakai hair extensions tetapi klorin dan air laut tidak baik untuk hair extensions, jadi sebaiknya Anda mengikat rambut extensions anda dan tidak membasahi rambut extensions anda dan pastikan untuk langsung mengeringkannya. The Shampoo Lounge menyarankan memakai shampoo supaya rambut extensions anda tetap kuat.
• Hair extensions and pregnancy?
During pregnancy, the hormonal background changes. It also affects the condition of the hair: they can become thin, rare and brittle and also sensitive. It is better to postpone the procedure. Also usually after giving birth, the mother will experience hair loss.
• Hair extensions dan kehamilan?
Selama kehamilan, hormon akan mengalami perubahan. Ini juga berpengaruh pada kondisi rambut, di mana rambut akan bisa menjadi tipis, rapuh dan sensitif. Sebaiknya ditunda dahulu untuk pemasangan hair extensions setelah bayi lahir. Juga biasanya setelah melahirkan, ibu akan mengalami kerontokan rambut.
• Hair extensions and exercise?
Tape-in extensions are lightweight, making them easier to handle. You just need to ensure that you dry your bonds directly after a workout. You can swim with your extensions, but chlorine and salt water aren't good for them, so you should preferably tie your hair up and keep it out of the water. The Shampoo Lounge recommends a complete consultation before deciding on the type of hair extensions to use so that we can reduce damage and ensure long-term use.
• Hair extensions dan olah raga?
Tape-in extensions sangat ringan, sangat mudah diatasi. Pastikan untuk langsung mengeringkan ikatannya setelah selesai berolah raga. Anda dapat berenang dengan rambut extensions anda, tetapi klorin dan air laut tidak baik untuk hair extensions, jadi sebaiknya Anda mengikat rambut extensions Anda dan tidak membasahi rambut extensions Anda. The Shampoo Lounge menyarankan konsultasi yang lengkap sebelum memutuskan tipe rambut extensions yang akan dipakai supaya kita dapat mengurangi kerusakan dan memastikan pemakaian dalam jangka waktu lama.
• Where i can do hair extensions maintenance?
The Shampoo Lounge often does hair extensions and treatments in Bali in Seminyak, Sanur, Nusa Dua and our outlet Hair Shop Store. We can also visit you in villas and hotels.
• Where i can do hair extensions maintenance?
The Shampoo Lounge sering melakukan hair extensions dan perawatannya di Bali di Seminyak, Sanur, Nusa Dua dan outlet kami Hair Shop Store. Kita juga dapat mengunjungi Anda di villa dan hotel.
• Where i can get hair extensions?
The Shampoo Lounge offers hair extensions in Bali in Seminyak, Sanur, Nusa Dua and our outlet Hair Shop Store. We can also do hair extensions in villas and hotels.
• Di mana saya bisa mendapatkan hair extensions?
The Shampoo Lounge menawarkan hair extensions di Bali di Seminyak, Sanur, Nusa Dua dan outlet kami Hair Shop Store. Kami juga dapat melakukan hair extensions di villa dan hotel.
• How much is hair extensions?
Please see our website at www.shampoolounge.com/hair-extensions or HairShop.Store
• Berapa harga harga hair extensions?
Mohon merujuk website kami www.shampoolounge.com/hair-extensions or HairShop.Store
• Hair extensions supplier?
Hair Shop Store (HairShop.Store) ship Premium Grade Hair Extensions internationally
• Hair extensions supplier?
Hair Shop Store (HairShop.Store) dapat mengirimkan hair extensions premium ke internasional.
• Shampoo for hair extensions?
• Shampoo untuk hair extensions?
• What Are Dreadlock hair extensions?
Our most popular services are dreadlocks and many clients desire Dreadlock Hair Extensions to supplement their look and or immediately have a full and incredible set of dreadlocks (supplemented with human hair dreadlock extensions www.balibarber.com/dreadlocks )
• Apakah dreadlock hair extensions?
Layanan kami yang sangat terkenal adalah dreadlock dan banyak klien kami yang menginginkan dreadlock hair extensions untuk penampilan yang lebih dan atau memiliki tampilan yang penuh dengan dreadlocks (tambahan untuk rambut asli dreadlock extensions di www.balibarber.com/dreadlocks)
• Why weft hair extensions?
• Mengapa weft hair extensions?
• Are hair extensions difficult to look after?
• Apakah perawatan hair extensions sulit?
Saran perawatan setelah perawatan lengkap disediakan dan hair extensions expert dari The Shampoo Lounge kami akan memandu Anda tentang cara menata dan merawatnya dengan cara terbaik. Feedback dari klien kami menunjukkan bahwa mereka memiliki rambut yang lebih baik dan teratur dengan menggunakan ekstensi rambut.
• What if I don't like them?
• Bagaimana jika saya tidak menyukai hair extensions saya?
Saat mencoba sesuatu yang baru untuk pertama kalinya, ini bisa sangat menakutkan! Setelah kami berkonsultasi dengan Anda, hair extensions expert dari The Shampoo Lounge akan dapat menentukan apakah layanan yang kami berikan akan bekerja untuk Anda.